Eliphas Lévi: A Critical Look at His Influence on Tarot and the Occult
Divination, Numerology, Tarot

Introduction Eliphas Lévi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, was a French occultist and author who played a significant role in the development of tarot as a tool for divination and its association with the occult. While his work undoubtedly had a profound impact on the perception and practice of tarot, it’s essential to scrutinize his contributions […]

A Brief History of Tarot Card Reading
Divination, Tarot

Introduction Tarot card reading has captivated the minds of people for centuries, offering a unique window into the world of the unseen and the mystical. From its humble beginnings to its widespread use today, tarot has come a long way, with its origins shrouded in mystery. In this article, we will explore the fascinating history […]

Your Body as a Temple: Nurturing Your Spiritual and Intuitive Nature Through Lifestyle and Diet Choices
Spirituality, Tips

Introduction Honoring your body as a temple is an essential aspect of nurturing your spiritual and intuitive nature. Your lifestyle choices and diet can greatly impact your receptivity to the spiritual realm and your intuitive abilities. This article will discuss universal ethics and morality consistent across all major religions, suggesting dietary choices that reduce harm, […]

Deepening Your Spiritual Insights and Intuition: A Guide for Tarot Enthusiasts
Divination, Tarot, Tips

Introduction Developing your intuition and deepening your spiritual insights are essential components of personal growth and self-discovery. As a Tarot enthusiast, you have access to a powerful tool that can help you connect with your inner wisdom and expand your understanding of the world around you. In this article, we will explore various techniques and […]

Staying Safe in the World of Divination: How to Avoid Fraudulent Practitioners and Scams
Astrology, Divination, Numerology, Tarot

Introduction Divination is an ancient practice that has been used by various cultures throughout history to seek guidance and insight into the unknown. While many genuine practitioners use divination tools and techniques to offer valuable wisdom and advice, it is essential to be cautious when seeking these services. Unfortunately, just like any other industry, there […]

Ingenious Divination Devices and Contraptions from Around the World
Astrology, Divination, Numerology, Tarot

Introduction Throughout history, various cultures have developed unique devices and contraptions for divination purposes. These tools were designed to facilitate communication with the spiritual realm or predict future events, often using complex symbolism and intricate craftsmanship. In this article, we will explore some of the most fascinating divination devices from different cultures, shedding light on […]

A Historical Overview of Divination: Ancient Practices Across Cultures
Divination, Numerology, Tarot

Introduction Divination, the practice of seeking knowledge or guidance through supernatural means, has a rich and diverse history that predates many established religions. Throughout human history, people have turned to various forms of divination in their quest for understanding, wisdom, and connection to the spiritual world. This article provides a general historical overview of divination, […]

Embracing Tarot Card Reading: Understanding the Historical Context of Monotheistic Hostility
Divination, Tarot

Introduction Tarot card reading, like many other divination practices, has faced opposition and criticism from monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While tarot cards, or cartomancy, as we know them today didn’t exist during the early days of these faiths, other divination practices with similarities did. A closer look at the historical context […]

Hermeneutics of the Word “Divination” and its Original Context in the Bible
Astrology, Divination, Spirituality, Tarot

Introduction To understand the Bible’s stance on divination, it is crucial to examine the hermeneutics of the word “divination” and how it relates to the original languages of the Bible. By understanding the etymology and context of the term, we can gain insight into how certain passages have been misinterpreted over time. Etymology and Original […]

Examining Biblical Passages on Divination: Context and Misinterpretation
Divination, Spirituality

Introduction Divination is often considered sinful or prohibited by some religious groups, citing specific passages in the Bible as evidence. However, it is crucial to examine the context of these verses and understand their true meaning. This article will take a closer look at some commonly cited Bible passages and explain why they are not […]

Debunking the Myths: Is Tarot Reading Evil or Dangerous?
Divination, Tarot

You might be intrigued by the idea of learning Tarot, but perhaps you’ve been hesitant due to the negative connotations surrounding it. You may have heard that Tarot is evil, dangerous, or even forbidden, which has fueled your concerns. This article aims to address these misconceptions and provide a balanced perspective on Tarot and its […]

Tarot’s Modern Transformation: Celebrating Diversity and Empowerment
Divination, Spirituality, Tarot

The tarot has experienced a profound transformation in recent years, moving away from its occult associations and embracing a more inclusive, empowering approach. With the creation of decks that celebrate women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and diverse cultures, the tarot has become a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth for people from all walks of life. […]


July 2024

