Divination, Tarot


Tarot card reading, like many other divination practices, has faced opposition and criticism from monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While tarot cards, or cartomancy, as we know them today didn’t exist during the early days of these faiths, other divination practices with similarities did. A closer look at the historical context reveals that this hostility can be attributed to the competition these faiths experienced in their early days as they sought to establish themselves as the one true religion. This article aims to highlight how this aspect of history and control played a significant role in shaping the negative perception of divination practices, including tarot card reading, and argues that it should not deter people from embracing this ancient and insightful practice.

Understanding the Historical Hostility

The emergence of monotheistic religions marked a significant shift in religious beliefs and practices, as these faiths sought to promote the exclusive worship of a single, all-powerful deity. This led to the denunciation of divination practices that were associated with earlier polytheistic religions. By condemning such practices, monotheistic religions aimed to assert their authority and superiority over the previous belief systems.

One of the primary reasons behind this hostility was the need to differentiate themselves from the religions they were attempting to supplant. Divination practices, such as those that preceded modern tarot card reading, were often an integral part of polytheistic cultures. By denouncing these practices, monotheistic religions sought to create a clear divide between the old ways and their new doctrine, reinforcing their claim to be the only true path to spiritual enlightenment.

Redefining Divination in a Modern Context

Despite the historical opposition to divination practices, it is essential to recognize that tarot card reading, as well as other forms of divination, have evolved significantly over time. Today, tarot card reading is often seen as a tool for personal reflection, guidance, and self-discovery, rather than an attempt to communicate with multiple gods or spirits.

By acknowledging the historical context of monotheistic hostility towards divination, we can begin to understand that the opposition to tarot card reading is rooted more in competition and control than any inherent evil or danger. This understanding allows us to appreciate tarot card reading for what it is today: a valuable and insightful practice that can help individuals connect with their inner selves and gain a deeper understanding of their lives.


The historical context of monotheistic hostility towards divination practices, including tarot card reading, should not deter people from embracing these ancient and insightful practices in the modern world. By understanding the origins of this opposition, we can separate the past from the present and appreciate tarot card reading as a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

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July 2024

