Staying Safe in the World of Divination: How to Avoid Fraudulent Practitioners and Scams

Astrology, Divination, Numerology, Tarot

Introduction Divination is an ancient practice that has been used by various cultures throughout history to seek guidance and insight into the unknown. While many genuine practitioners use divination tools and techniques to offer valuable wisdom and advice, it is essential to be cautious when seeking these services. Unfortunately, just like any other industry, there […]

Ingenious Divination Devices and Contraptions from Around the World

Astrology, Divination, Numerology, Tarot

Introduction Throughout history, various cultures have developed unique devices and contraptions for divination purposes. These tools were designed to facilitate communication with the spiritual realm or predict future events, often using complex symbolism and intricate craftsmanship. In this article, we will explore some of the most fascinating divination devices from different cultures, shedding light on […]

Hermeneutics of the Word “Divination” and its Original Context in the Bible

Astrology, Divination, Spirituality, Tarot

Introduction To understand the Bible’s stance on divination, it is crucial to examine the hermeneutics of the word “divination” and how it relates to the original languages of the Bible. By understanding the etymology and context of the term, we can gain insight into how certain passages have been misinterpreted over time. Etymology and Original […]