Divination, Numerology, Tarot


Eliphas Lévi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, was a French occultist and author who played a significant role in the development of tarot as a tool for divination and its association with the occult. While his work undoubtedly had a profound impact on the perception and practice of tarot, it’s essential to scrutinize his contributions and motivations critically. In this article, we will examine the influence of Eliphas Lévi on tarot and the occult, questioning the factual basis of his conclusions and the implications of his self-serving approach.

  1. Lévi’s Background and Occult Beliefs

Born in 1810 in Paris, Eliphas Lévi was initially trained for the Roman Catholic priesthood but later shifted his focus to the study of the occult. He became an influential figure in Western esotericism, particularly in the areas of ceremonial magic, Kabbalah, and tarot. Lévi’s works, such as “Transcendental Magic” and “The Key of the Mysteries,” sought to synthesize various esoteric traditions into a coherent system that he believed could reveal hidden truths about the universe.

  1. Lévi’s Influence on Tarot

Eliphas Lévi was instrumental in linking tarot to the Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism. He believed that the 22 Major Arcana cards corresponded to the 22 Hebrew letters and the paths on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Lévi also associated each tarot card with a specific astrological, elemental, or numerological correspondence, further embedding the cards within the realm of the occult.

  1. Questioning Lévi’s Factual Basis

Despite Lévi’s significant influence on tarot and the occult, it’s essential to recognize that many of his conclusions lack historical evidence or factual basis. For example, his claim of the tarot’s ancient Egyptian origins has been widely debunked by historians, who trace the cards’ origins to 15th-century Italy instead.

Additionally, Lévi’s association of tarot with Kabbalah and other esoteric systems may be more a product of his creative imagination than a reflection of historical or cultural connections. By imposing his own belief system onto tarot, Lévi may have shaped the cards’ meanings and interpretations in ways that were self-serving and not necessarily based on their original intent or use.

  1. The Implications of Lévi’s Self-Serving Approach

By linking tarot to the occult and various esoteric traditions, Eliphas Lévi created an aura of mystery and intrigue around the cards, which served to elevate his status as an occultist and author. While this association undoubtedly contributed to the popularity of tarot and the spread of its practice, it also led to the stigmatization of tarot as a “dark” or “forbidden” art in the eyes of many.

This negative connotation persists today, with some people viewing tarot as a dangerous or morally suspect practice, rather than a tool for personal growth and self-reflection. By promoting the idea that tarot held secret knowledge accessible only to a select few, Lévi may have inadvertently limited the potential for tarot to be embraced as a mainstream tool for spiritual exploration.


Eliphas Lévi’s influence on tarot and the occult is undeniable, but it’s essential to critically examine his motivations and the factual basis for his conclusions. By promoting a self-serving, occult interpretation of tarot, Lévi may have inadvertently stigmatized the practice and limited its potential as a tool for personal growth and understanding. As tarot enthusiasts and practitioners, it’s crucial to recognize the historical context of Lévi’s contributions and explore tarot with an open mind, free from the constraints of his particular interpretations.

As we move forward in our understanding of tarot, it’s essential to appreciate its diverse history and the myriad ways in which it has been used across cultures and time periods. By doing so, we can make room for a more inclusive and empowering approach to tarot that embraces its potential as a tool for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual insight.

By questioning the assumptions and motivations behind Eliphas Lévi’s influence, we can reclaim tarot as a practice that is accessible and beneficial for everyone, regardless of their background or belief system. In doing so, we can foster a more open and inclusive tarot community that celebrates the rich history and diverse interpretations of this powerful tool for self-reflection and spiritual exploration.

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July 2024

