memorize the meaning of the tarot

Tarot card mnemonic stories

To become proficient in Tarot, it is essential to understand the meanings of all 78 cards. This challenge can be quite daunting, but we have crafted 78 distinct and captivating short stories to serve as mnemonic aids, making it easier for you to recall the significance of each card.

The major arcana as a story

The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana, comprising 22 cards, represents the spiritual and psychological archetypes that embody significant life lessons and deep human experiences. These cards hold profound symbolism and powerful messages, guiding individuals on their path of self-discovery and personal growth.

The Fool
The Fool
In the whimsical town of Adventure, a young man named Finn, full of curiosity and excitement, decided to embark on a journey. With a knapsack on his back and a loyal dog by his side, he stepped off the edge of a cliff, trusting that life would support him as he pursued his dreams. Finn’s leap of faith embodies the Fool in its upright position, signifying new beginnings, spontaneity, and the potential for growth and transformation. His carefree spirit and sense of adventure represent the open-hearted approach to life that the Fool encourages.
Reversed Meaning
However, as Finn embraced his journey, he sometimes took risks without considering the consequences, leading him to stumble and fall. This heedlessness and lack of foresight highlight the reversed meaning of the Fool, cautioning against reckless behavior, thoughtlessness, and the potential for missteps and accidents when one fails to think things through.
The Magician
The Magician
In the mystical city of Illusoria, there lived a skillful Magician named Orion. Using his four magical tools, the wand, the sword, the pentacle, and the cup, he effortlessly manifested his desires and transformed the world around him. Orion’s mastery of his craft symbolizes the Magician in its upright position, representing power, creativity, and the ability to harness the forces of the universe to manifest one’s intentions. His unwavering focus and determination serve as a reminder of the potential within each of us to shape our destiny.
Reversed Meaning
One day, Orion became disillusioned with his powers and began to use them for selfish gain, leading to manipulation, deceit, and the misuse of his talents. This darker side of the Magician signifies its reversed meaning, warning against the potential for misusing one’s abilities, trickery, and underhanded tactics to achieve personal objectives.
The High Priestess
The High Priestess

Deep within the enchanted forest of Arcana, the High Priestess, Seraphina, guarded the entrance to the ancient Library of Mysteries. With her intuitive wisdom and boundless knowledge, she guided seekers toward unlocking the secrets of the universe.

Seraphina’s spiritual guidance embodies the High Priestess in its upright position, symbolizing intuition, mystery, and the subconscious mind. Her ability to access the hidden realms of knowledge serves as a reminder of our own potential to tap into our inner wisdom and spiritual insight.

Reversed Meaning

However, at times, Seraphina would retreat too far into the depths of her own knowledge, becoming detached from the world and losing sight of her true purpose. This withdrawal represents the reversed High Priestess, cautioning against hidden agendas, excessive secrecy, and the need to strike a balance between the spiritual and the material worlds.

The Empress
The Empress

In the flourishing Kingdom of Abundantia, the Empress Elysia nurtured the land and its people, creating harmony and prosperity. Her loving presence and bountiful generosity fostered growth, creativity, and fertility across the realm.

The Empress Elysia’s nurturing qualities represent the upright Empress card, symbolizing abundance, love, and the manifestation of desires. Her deep connection to nature and the cycles of life reminds us to embrace our own creative power and the importance of self-care.

Reversed Meaning

Yet, when Elysia neglected her own well-being or tried to control others, her influence waned. This imbalance represents the reversed Empress card, warning against codependency, smothering love, and the need to find harmony within ourselves and our relationships.

The Emperor
The Emperor

Commanding the mighty fortress of Solis, the Emperor Aelius ruled with a firm hand and unwavering resolve. His leadership and strategic prowess protected the kingdom, providing stability and order in times of chaos.

Aelius’s strong leadership embodies the Emperor in its upright position, representing authority, structure, and discipline. His capacity to uphold the law and maintain order serves as a reminder of our own potential to take charge of our lives and create a solid foundation for success.

Reversed Meaning

However, when Aelius became too rigid or domineering, his rule turned oppressive. This tyranny signifies the reversed Emperor, cautioning against inflexibility, an excessive need for control, and the importance of balancing power with compassion.

The Hierophant
The Hierophant

In the sacred temple of Divinus, the Hierophant Ignatius guided seekers on their spiritual journeys, sharing the wisdom of the ages through ancient rituals and teachings. His devotion to tradition and spiritual guidance brought enlightenment to many.

The Hierophant Ignatius’s steadfast devotion represents the upright Hierophant card, symbolizing spiritual wisdom, tradition, and the pursuit of higher truths. His dedication to preserving and sharing knowledge serves as a reminder of the value of spiritual mentorship and the importance of seeking wisdom beyond the material world.

Reversed Meaning

However, when Ignatius became too dogmatic or closed-minded, his teachings lost their true essence. This rigidity represents the reversed Hierophant card, warning against inflexible beliefs, spiritual stagnation, and the need to question traditions and seek our own path to enlightenment.

The Lovers
The Lovers

In the mystical land of Erosia, two star-crossed lovers, Leander and Isolde, found themselves at a crossroads. Through love and trust, they united their hearts, making a choice that would forever alter their destinies and teach them the true meaning of partnership.

The fateful union of Leander and Isolde symbolizes the upright Lovers card, representing love, harmony, and the power of choice. Their journey together reminds us of the importance of vulnerability, trust, and the need to make decisions that align with our core values and desires.

Reversed Meaning

But when doubts or disharmony seeped into their relationship, the balance was disrupted. This disconnection signifies the reversed Lovers card, cautioning against misaligned values, emotional imbalance, and the necessity of open communication and trust in our partnerships.

The Chariot
The Chariot

On the battlefield of life, the daring warrior Alaric charged forth on his mighty chariot, conquering obstacles with unwavering determination and focus. His ability to balance opposing forces led him to victory, time and time again.

Alaric’s fearless drive embodies the upright Chariot card, symbolizing willpower, triumph, and the mastery of one’s emotions. His relentless pursuit of success serves as a reminder of our own potential to overcome challenges and maintain control over our lives.

Reversed Meaning

However, when Alaric’s confidence faltered, or he lost control of his chariot, his progress came to a halt. This lack of control represents the reversed Chariot card, warning against self-doubt, lack of direction, and the importance of balance and focus in our pursuits.

The Strength
The Strength

In the heart of the wild, the noble warrior Serafina faced a ferocious lion. Instead of using brute force, she tamed the beast with courage, patience, and a gentle touch, proving the true power of inner strength and compassion.

Serafina’s brave encounter represents the upright Strength card, symbolizing inner fortitude, patience, and the power of love over fear. Her ability to face adversity with grace and understanding reminds us of the importance of resilience and the transformative potential of compassion.

Reversed Meaning

But when Serafina allowed fear or doubt to take hold, her connection with the lion weakened. This loss of control signifies the reversed Strength card, cautioning against self-doubt, impatience, and the need to cultivate inner strength and confidence in our abilities.

The Hermit
The Hermit

In the solitude of the mountains, the wise Hermit Solomon sought the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. Through contemplation and introspection, he discovered profound insights that illuminated his path and the paths of those who sought his guidance.

Solomon’s quest for truth embodies the upright Hermit card, symbolizing self-reflection, inner guidance, and the pursuit of spiritual wisdom. His journey of self-discovery serves as a reminder of the importance of introspection and the transformative power of solitude.

Reversed Meaning

However, when Solomon became too isolated or detached from the world, his wisdom stagnated. This disconnection represents the reversed Hermit card, warning against excessive withdrawal, loneliness, and the need to balance solitude with social interaction.

The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune

In the enchanted realm of Fortuna, the great Wheel of Fortune spun, determining the fate of all who lived within its borders. As the wheel turned, it brought cycles of change, fortune, and growth to the inhabitants, teaching them the importance of embracing the ever-shifting currents of life.

The mystical wheel symbolizes the upright Wheel of Fortune card, representing cycles, destiny, and the ever-changing nature of life. The wheel’s constant motion serves as a reminder that nothing is permanent, and we must learn to adapt and find harmony within the ebb and flow of existence.

Reversed Meaning

But when the wheel spun out of control or brought forth challenging circumstances, it tested the resilience of the people. This adversity signifies the reversed Wheel of Fortune card, cautioning against resistance to change, misfortune, and the need to cultivate adaptability and resilience in the face of life’s fluctuations.

The Justice
The Justice

In the halls of the celestial court, the immortal judge Astraea weighed the hearts and deeds of humanity with her golden scales, dispensing justice with unwavering fairness and balance. Her commitment to truth and order inspired those who sought her wisdom to live with integrity and honor.

Astraea’s dedication to justice represents the upright Justice card, symbolizing fairness, balance, and the impartiality needed to make difficult decisions. Her actions serve as a reminder of the importance of integrity, truth, and the pursuit of justice in our lives.

Reversed Meaning

However, when Astraea’s scales were tipped, favoring one side over the other, or her judgment was clouded by external forces, the balance of justice was disrupted. This imbalance signifies the reversed Justice card, warning against unfairness, bias, and the need to reevaluate our own judgments and decisions.

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man

In the mystical forest, the acrobat Orpheus willingly hung upside down from a tree to gain a fresh perspective on the world. Through this unconventional act, he discovered hidden truths and embraced the art of surrender, transcending his previous limitations.

Orpheus’s suspension symbolizes the upright Hanged Man card, representing letting go, a change in perspective, and the power of surrendering to a higher purpose. His unique view of the world serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking new perspectives and embracing personal growth.

Reversed Meaning

But when Orpheus stubbornly clung to his old ways or resisted change, he stagnated and failed to evolve. This resistance represents the reversed Hanged Man card, warning against inflexibility, indecision, and the need to let go of the past to move forward in life.


In the realm of Elysium, the immortal Phoenix perished in a burst of flames, only to rise again from the ashes, reborn anew. The endless cycle of death and rebirth taught the inhabitants of Elysium that change was inevitable and transformation held the key to growth.

The eternal Phoenix symbolizes the upright Death card, representing transformation, endings, and the natural cycle of life. The Phoenix’s rebirth serves as a reminder that death is not an ending, but rather a new beginning, urging us to embrace change and growth in our lives.

Reversed Meaning

However, when the Phoenix refused to die or clung to its previous life, it became trapped in a state of stagnation and decay. This reluctance to change represents the reversed Death card, warning against fear of change, stagnation, and the need to let go of the old to welcome the new.

The Temperance

In a serene valley, the alchemist Aurelia crafted an elixir of harmony by blending fire and water, symbolizing the union of opposites. Her wisdom and patience allowed her to create balance in the world, fostering peace and understanding among all living beings.

Aurelia’s alchemy represents the upright Temperance card, symbolizing balance, harmony, and the merging of opposites. Her mastery of the elements serves as a reminder of the importance of finding equilibrium and embracing compromise in our lives.

Reversed Meaning

However, when Aurelia lost her patience or failed to maintain balance, chaos and discord ensued. This disruption signifies the reversed Temperance card, warning against imbalance, impatience, and the need to seek harmony in our relationships and within ourselves.

The Devil
The Devil

In the depths of the underworld, the cunning trickster Loki sought to deceive others, using his charm and wit to bind them with invisible chains of temptation. He reveled in their misfortune, but ultimately found himself ensnared by his own deceptions.

Loki’s deception represents the upright Devil card, symbolizing temptation, bondage, and the illusion of power. His actions serve as a reminder of the dangers of succumbing to our desires and losing sight of what truly matters in life.

Reversed Meaning

But when Loki recognized the harm he caused and sought redemption, he began to break free from his own chains. This self-awareness represents the reversed Devil card, signaling a release from bondage, the triumph over temptation, and the need to reclaim our personal power.

The Tower
The Tower

Upon the rocky cliffs, the mighty Tower of Babel soared into the sky, a testament to the pride and arrogance of its builders. A sudden bolt of lightning shattered the tower, forcing the builders to confront their illusions of grandeur and begin anew.

The Tower’s destruction symbolizes the upright Tower card, representing sudden upheaval, revelation, and the crumbling of illusions. The shattered tower serves as a reminder of the importance of humility and the need to recognize the impermanence of our creations.

Reversed Meaning

However, when the builders refused to learn from their mistakes and clung to their illusions, they remained trapped in a cycle of destruction. This denial represents the reversed Tower card, warning against stubbornness, fear of change, and the need to embrace the lessons of failure.

The Star
The Star

High above the ancient city of Atlantis, the celestial being Astraea descended to Earth, illuminating the night sky with her radiant light. Her presence inspired hope and faith in the hearts of the people, guiding them through the darkness and toward a brighter future.

Astraea’s radiance represents the upright Star card, symbolizing hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance. Her celestial light serves as a reminder of the importance of following our intuition and trusting in the universe to guide us on our path.

Reversed Meaning

But when Astraea’s light dimmed or was obscured by doubt, the people of Atlantis lost their way, succumbing to despair and disillusionment. This loss of hope represents the reversed Star card, warning against pessimism, loss of faith, and the need to reconnect with our inner light.

The Moon
The Moon

As night fell over the enchanted forest, the Moon’s ethereal glow cast eerie shadows upon the land, stirring fears and uncertainties within the hearts of the travelers. In the darkness, they learned to trust their intuition and confront their deepest fears.

The Moon’s mysterious illumination represents the upright Moon card, symbolizing intuition, illusion, and the unknown. The Moon’s ever-changing light serves as a reminder of the importance of trusting our instincts and facing the shadows within ourselves.

Reversed Meaning

However, when the travelers lost themselves in their fears and allowed illusions to consume them, they strayed from their path. This surrender to darkness signifies the reversed Moon card, warning against confusion, deception, and the need to confront our inner fears.

The Sun
The Sun

As dawn broke over the lush valley, the Sun rose high above the horizon, filling the world with warmth and light. The people rejoiced in the Sun’s radiant embrace, celebrating the abundance of life and the boundless joy of existence.

The Sun’s life-giving warmth represents the upright Sun card, symbolizing vitality, joy, and success. The Sun’s brilliant light serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing positivity and recognizing the abundance of blessings in our lives.

Reversed Meaning

But when the Sun’s light was obscured by clouds or eclipsed by darkness, the people’s spirits dampened, and their joy faded. This temporary loss of light represents the reversed Sun card, warning against pessimism, lack of confidence, and the need to rediscover our inner radiance.

At the dawn of a new age, the angel Gabriel descended from the heavens, blowing his trumpet to awaken the souls of the departed. As the dead rose from their graves, they faced the divine light of judgement and were granted absolution or eternal damnation. Gabriel’s call to the heavens represents the upright Judgement card, symbolizing rebirth, renewal, and redemption. The angel’s trumpet serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging our past actions and seeking forgiveness for our transgressions.
Reversed Meaning
However, when the departed refused to face their past and denied the opportunity for redemption, they remained trapped in limbo. This reluctance to confront one’s actions signifies the reversed Judgement card, warning against self-doubt, fear of change, and the need for self-forgiveness.
The World


The World

At the center of the universe, the majestic World Tree stood tall, connecting the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. Its roots reached deep into the soil, while its branches soared high into the sky, symbolizing the unity and interconnectedness of all life.

The World Tree’s cosmic presence represents the upright World card, symbolizing completion, unity, and wholeness. The tree’s eternal connection to all realms serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing our place in the world and embracing the interconnectedness of life.

Reversed Meaning

But when the World Tree’s roots withered or its branches faltered, the balance between realms was disrupted, and chaos reigned. This disharmony represents the reversed World card, warning against stagnation, lack of closure, and the need to embrace the cycles of life.

For beginners
Learn to read tarot on your own

It is important to study the Tarot meanings so that you can let the guiding light of your own intuition shine through during a session.  This will help you connect to the universal underlying truths hidden within the cards. 

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